viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

Evolution of English Teaching

About fifteen years ago, the Ministry of Public Education started with a new plan trying to insert English as a second language in public schools. They wanted to give the opportunity to those students from public schools to have better opportunities in their future, being English an important tool for them to get better jobs.
By that time only students from private schools had access to learn English.
At the beginning they started hiring people who speak English, but not necessarily those who knew how to teach.
The plan was so successful that they felt the need of hiring more people, and on the way, many people showed interest in this area, which was good, since those people started to study not only the language, but the tools needed to teach it, and they started hiring teachers of English as a second language.
The different universities started to implement this program to prepare the best they could those students, but unfortunately not all of them had the skills needed to teach the language, only few of them who had opportunities to travel abroad and be in touch not only with the language but with the culture (an important part of the language), or those who were very interested in acquiring the skills and did their best to get them.
Recently, the government implemented a plan to train those teachers with lack of skills in the language, and they have done great, they invested a lot of money in these workshops and they have been successful. Now, the students have better prepared teachers.But obviously, we need to find ways of being always updated, not only in the language, but in those techniques that can improve our daily life in classrooms.

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